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5 Rules For Creating a Profitable Niche Website

Nick Nolan
7 min readMay 17, 2022


Blogging was my first attempt at making money online.

It sort of failed — in the sense that I didn’t make any money doing it — but it was a valuable learning experience.

And I didn’t give up.

I figured out how to pivot and earn a full-time income from my laptop. And no, it’s not as glorious as it sounds.

But, I’ve been fascinated with blogs, writing online, and earning money from a website that you create. It’s pretty cool that you can create something out of nothing, and earn a lot of money doing it.

I’m a big fan of the Niche Pursuits podcast. The podcast hosts interview different people and talk all about their money-making websites. Last week, they interviewed Mike, who earns $20k per month from his website.

I wrote an article laying out the details required to get to that level.

But Mike has been working on that for 2+ years.

What if you’re just getting started?

Today I’ll share 5 rules that you need to follow when you’re building a profitable website. I mean, you don’t need to follow the rules. But I know they’ll help you along the journey.

I tried doing this for two years and made zero progress. So do yourself a favor and follow…



Nick Nolan

Freelance marketing consultant | Writing about Copywriting, SEO, and Social Media