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Can You Commit to Writing For a Year?

Money can’t be your motivator

Nick Nolan
4 min readFeb 22, 2022


It’s nearing the end of February. That means at least 95% of people have given up on their New Year’s resolutions. Most people only stick with it for a few days, or weeks.

I’ve been there, done that.

In 2021, I wanted to start a weekly newsletter about entrepreneurship. I hate email marketing, so don’t ask me why I wanted to do this. Well, it was mostly to make money. Making some extra cash was the primary reason for trying it.

Obviously, the money didn’t show up the first week. Or the second, or third week.

I started from scratch and had very limited experience, so I was fully set up for absolute failure. I just heard that Substack was going to be the next big thing and I wanted to jump on the hype train.

When I didn’t get 10 email subscribers, I gave up. I was done before the end of January.

I’ve had similar experiences starting a new Instagram account, or a new service business. My expectations are super high, and I give up when they’re not met.

Maybe you’ve had a similar experience.

If we’re being realistic, building anything online takes time. Building an audience and making money online requires brutal consistency and…



Nick Nolan

Freelance marketing consultant | Writing about Copywriting, SEO, and Social Media