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Create a Media Company Instead of a Blog

Because blogging is dead, sort of.

Nick Nolan
6 min readFeb 4, 2022


When I first wanted to start a blog, I was worried about what people would think. I’m a Marine Corps veteran, not some priss drinking oat milk lattes with my cat Fiona, who’s also a vegan.

Don’t get offended yet, I’ve actually had oat milk lattes and they’re delicious. I just wanted to write and the idea of a blog just didn’t fit the image I wanted to portray to the world. I cared too much about what other people would say, but having a blog sounded like:

Dear Diary,

Today was a tough cookie…

After spin class I saw Peter and he didn’t even stop to say hi. I wonder if he’s still mad at me for what happened on Tuesday..

That’s not what I wanted.

But it’s what I thought of whenever I heard the word “blog”. I also thought of the mommy bloggers telling the world about all of their problems and selling MLM haircare products that changed. their. life.

That’s definitely a world that exists, and I wanted no part in it. So, I started my blog and didn’t tell anyone about it. Eventually that blog failed, but I’ve started numerous other sites since then.



Nick Nolan

Freelance marketing consultant | Writing about Copywriting, SEO, and Social Media