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Member-only story

How I Made $850 in 3 Days on Upwork

Nick Nolan


Write. Write. Write. Write. Write.

I’ve used Upwork on and off since June 2020. I have extremely mixed feelings about the platform, but for now I’m back on it.

One of my short-term goals is to make $5,000 in the next two months (by December 31st) from Upwork gigs. Since I started on Upwork, I’ve made just shy of $10,000.

There have been months where all of my jobs came from Upwork, and months where I didn’t log into my account. But I know it’s possible to make decent money there because I’ve done it.

I wouldn’t recommend putting all your eggs in the Upwork basket. I’m fairly picky about the jobs I bid on, so I use Upwork as one of my side hustles. If you’re a writer, you can find a few decent gigs each week and make some extra cash to put in savings, or for vacations and holidays.

Back in mid September I made $850 in 3 days.

Screenshot from Upwork

This was one of the easiest jobs I landed. I sent my proposal on Thursday morning, we had a 10-minute call on Friday morning, and the job was wrapped up by Monday.

On Friday I did some simple keyword research. Then I spent my Saturday and…



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