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How to Build Topical Authority

The #1 to rank #1 in Google in 2022

Nick Nolan
5 min readFeb 9, 2022


Do you want free traffic to your website? Well, who doesn’t?

SEO is the best way to get consistent visitors to your website. Whether it’s for your small business, or your next money-making content site. Website traffic is gold.

Getting to the top spot in Google is free. Meaning, you can’t pay Google to get the top spot, unless you want to pay for ads. The stats show that most people don’t click on ads. They want the genuine answer — the top organic search result.

Google ads have an average click-through-rate of 10%. The top 3 organic search results get between 30–50% of the clicks. If you want the most traffic, and the most sustainable traffic, you want to be in the top 3 spots.

The basic SEO principles are fairly consistent. Google wants websites that provide:

  • Accurate and useful information
  • An enjoyable user experience
  • Basic trust signals

But, the specifics that Google likes tend to change as they update their algorithms.

Right now, I’m seeing that Google loves topical authority. That means your website is the go-to resource for your niche. If you have a website about dog collars, people can find…



Nick Nolan

Freelance marketing consultant | Writing about Copywriting, SEO, and Social Media