I’m Writing and Publishing Whatever ChatGPT Tells Me for Two Weeks

Nick Nolan
3 min readMar 17, 2023
Image from: PhonlamaiPhotos on Canva

My side of the online world is raving about the new latest release from OpenAI: ChatGPT-4.

I’ve seen 100s of posts and tweets about it. Most of them are lame. People have jumped on the trend to get likes and engagement from the viral trend.

One of the few interesting posts is from Jackson Fall. He gave ChatGPT a $100 budget and asked it to start a business and make money. Jackson is doing whatever the AI tells him to do.

I’m going to try something similar.

ChatGPT is going to create my Medium content calendar for the next two weeks. I’m going to get 10 article ideas from AI based on popular articles I’ve written and I’ll write and publish them.

Getting ideas

Most of the ideas that I’ve gotten from AI in the past have been extremely bland. I figured I could get some better results if I gave AI examples of successful articles I’ve published.



Nick Nolan

Freelance marketing consultant | Writing about Copywriting, SEO, and Social Media