Here are all of my best Medium articles, neatly organized for you.

If you’re lurking on my profile, this one’s for you.

Nick Nolan
3 min readNov 5, 2021
Image from Canva

I recently published article #488 here on Medium.

So, I figured it was a good time to make my articles more organized and easier for new people to find.

I aim to publish 20-30 articles every month, so the good stuff I wrote a few months ago is quickly lost in the feed.

A bit about me

I first joined Medium in April 2020. I don’t remember exactly why — maybe someone mentioned how I could make some money writing here.

I wrote my first blog posts a few years before, in 2017.

But, I was clueless.

And I made $0.

In 2020 when I lost some of my income streams, I started freelance writing for clients. I’d published 100 articles on my blog, but it never took off. I learned so much from working with clients, and still work with a few today.

I journeyed back to Medium in late 2021 and figured out what was required if I wanted to make any money on this platform.

Most of the articles I write here are about

  • SEO
  • Copywriting



Nick Nolan

Freelance marketing consultant | Writing about Copywriting, SEO, and Social Media