Someone Stole My Article, Then Medium Recommended It To Me

Have I made it in the online world?

Nick Nolan
4 min readMar 19, 2023
Screenshot from Medium

This morning, I opened up my Medium homepage and saw something familiar.

5 Quick SEO Tasks That Will Get You More Website Traffic

That article sounded oddly familiar.

I’ve published 419 articles, and I don’t remember all of them. I clicked to read that article, because I remember writing something very similar to it a while back.

I start reading and the writing also sounded familiar — like something I’d write.

I go to my profile and search “5 Quick seo” and sure enough, my article that I published ~6 months ago comes up.


Maybe the person took my title and included 5 different tips/tasks. I do that too, but usually I change a few words in the title to make it my own.

That wasn’t the case here.

The thief put no effort in. They copy/pasted my article and published it as their own — the screenshots, featured image, and all.



Nick Nolan

Freelance marketing consultant | Writing about Copywriting, SEO, and Social Media