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What Does it Take to Build a Website That Earns $20,000 Per Month?

Nick Nolan


It’s not easy, and it certainly won’t happen overnight, but you can build a website that rakes in cash every month.

I have a strong love/hate relationship with other people’s success stories.

They’re certainly inspiring, because they show you what’s possible. If they did it, I can do it too!

On the other hand, they’re discouraging if you’re not experiencing similar results.

Hearing huge success stories can be deceiving because they often focus more on where they’re currently at, and less on the long process it took to get there. Everyone wants to hear about the guy making $20k a month.

The guy making $6.30 per month isn’t exciting or inspiring.

But, there’s always a process, and it’s never glamorous.

I’m following a handful of niche website builders on Twitter, and they’re openly sharing their stats. I also listen to the Niche Pursuits podcast, which is all about building and growing money-making websites.

Today, I want to share a story about Mike, who runs a website that’s earning $20,000+ every month — mostly from ad revenue.

That didn’t happen overnight. It took a great deal of consistent hard work. But, if you’re willing to…



Nick Nolan
Nick Nolan

Written by Nick Nolan

Freelance marketing consultant | Writing about Copywriting, SEO, and Social Media

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